Sunday, June 24, 2007

Alban Hefin (Light of Summer), 2007 C.E.

The Grove met in the crisp afternoon light at Kevin and Shannon's place to build a Summer King and to celebrate this time of frenetic and effective masculine energy.

Here are some photos from the afternoon...

Some of our ladies wove summer flowers into their hair...

A Green Man.

We begin to build the Summer King...

Our Ideal Masculine has a big heart...

The Summer Altar...Simple, but effective

The Grove of 4...(minus one who was celebrating a birthday with other family.)

Offering libation to the Summer King...

A portriat with the Grove and our Newly blossomed Man of Green...

A bit difficult to see otherwise green on green...this is He...

Here He will stand guardian at Kevin and Shannon's place over our hopes and dreams for this year's harvest until Autumn's Harvest when we will burn and release him (and that which he guards) for a well deserved longWinter's rest.